❤️ At Whiddon, we wish to lead from the front.
Today, we held our inaugural Quality Care Board Sub-Committee meeting.
❤️ I’m so privileged to be the Chair; as a Board Director.
The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety made, amongst other things, an original recommendation referring to the establishment of a relevant Board Committee for Aged Care organisations in this exact space (Quality and Care).
As Legislation was developed (although yet to be passed through Parliament and now, a change in Govt), the need to establish this Board sub-committee was then no longer a requirement….
❤️ At Whiddon, we want to be the best and so we’ve gone ahead and established this Structure anyway!
❤️ Caring for people is so important to me. Period.
❤️ I have a very special personal interest in the aged care space #mymama
Thank you to my fellow Whiddon Board Members Tony Maiorana MA, Carol Limmer, Gerald Naughton and Len Kearns, along with CEO Chris Mamarelis and Deputy CEO Alyson Jarrett for bringing me up to speed as the inaugural Quality Care Committee Chair and holding my hand as I onboard in this exciting area of Clinical Medicine for me.
❤️ It’s so cool for us to be ahead of the game. 💃
#agedcare #quality #care #goodgovernance #whiddon #medicine #safety ❤️❤️❤️